Monday, April 22, 2013

Thirty days 'til Thirty...Why do I do these things to myself?

Oh, Hello.  I didn't see you there.  Welcome to "Thirty days 'til Thirty", my latest blogging adventure.

I would love to be able to say that I thought of doing this project on my own, but alas, I got the inspiration from my good friend Joey DeSanto-Jones.  In 2010, Joey embarked on his self-reflective blogging adventure, chronicling the last 30 days of his twenties.  After reading his first post, I decided I wanted to do the same thing when I turned 30.  And believe me, no one is more surprised than me that I actually remembered to do it (Check out Joey's blog here).

Joey's blog was insightful, introspective, educated, and very entertaining to read.  This will be nothing like that.  I kidd...but seriously...lower your expectations.

So why the blog?  Simply put, I love to write.  I have had several blogs over the past 10 years or so, some more successful, some complete flops.  In true Gemini fashion, I tend to get really excited about a project until I'm half-way through it, then something else grabs my attention and I forget why I started the original project the first place.  In that way, this blog is a bit of a personal challenge.  Committing to write a new and theoretically "interesting" post for 30 days in a row is a pretty big undertaking, especially considering that the 30 days before my 30th birthday collectively are some of my busiest days at work.  Oi...I'm talking myself out of it already!

No!  I shall prevail.  Full steam ahead, lighting all the boilers just like the Titanic...wait.

I will admit that I have already created an outline of topics to talk about, just in case I can't think of anything or nothing particualarly inspiring happens that day, but I'm not married to the list.  Can you imagine?  Marrying a list?  What's next - people marrying goats? (see what I did there?)

What to expect from these posts:
  • Reflections on my life
  • Severe nerdiness
  • Movie references / quotes
  • YouTube, probably a lot
  • Melancholy, Sappiness, Happiness...basically all of the feels
  • Philosophical Ramblings
  • My opinions on stuff / rants
  • Posts that don't make a lot of sense to anybody but me
  • Really short posts for the days I forget
  • Gay stuff
  • More nerdiness
What NOT to expect from these posts:
  • Korect Spelleng
  • Good Grammar
  • Fully formed thoughts
  • Profound or life altering statements
  • And some other stuff I've forgotten...
In all seriousness, I am excited about this little project and, as you can see, have put some time into constructing the page.  It's been an interesting 30 years thus far, and I think it's important for us to take pause and reflect on our past and think about how we got where we are and why we are who we are today.  So put that in your fortune cookie and eat it.

Please feel free to comment on the posts and, by all means, leave suggestions for future posts!



  1. ...oh dear... :D

  2. This is wonderful. I shall follow and be merry

  3. I will do my best to comment regularly. But only if you entertain me. ENTERTAIN ME!!

  4. Huzzah. It better smell like fry all up in here!
