Yeah Yeah Yeah...I'm a post behind. I'll make it up this weekend, but I worked a 17 hour day yesterday and still have some closing left to do so everyone will be fine =)
While cleaning up around my house today, I started to think about all of the pictures I have framed around my house and how I need to remember to stop and look at them every now and again. Some of them are severely outdated and should be exchanged as well. Then I started thinking about how I hardly ever print pictures anymore. I have 2,032 tagged of me of Facebook. That's insane. And if I'm not looking at the pictures hanging around my own house...I'm looking at the ones tagged on Facebook even less. So that's what I decided I was going to do for this entry. I looked through all of the pictures and picked out a handful to talk about:
This picture was circa 2004. A reunion of the SAACURH 2003 conference staff and some of the best friend's I made in college. |
This is a bunch of my graduate school colleagues at Rebecca's wedding (She's the one in white). The reason I love this picture is because right before it was taken, Danica (the one in the blue dress) had no idea that her entire boob had fallen out of her dress. Clearly, her and I were the only ones who couldn't pull it together for the picture...haha. |
I Love this picture because it's such a great candid moment. Olin and I hadn't seen each other in awhile and this was our reunion. Aren't we precious?! |
This is clearly a selfie, but the funny thing about this picture is that it was at the first Boone Pride event, which was sparsely attended at best, and I found that furry orange hat in the bathroom...and decided to wear it. Yup. |
This is what happens when you win Beer Pong against Jason and you gloat just a little too much. This was a great day. A Fourth of July cookout surrounded by friends. I remember it started raining that evening, but we all stayed outside and danced. I also lost my cell phone at this cookout...never to be found again. |
This was one of my first large scale events at the University Maryland. That grill was a beast and hotter than the fires of hell. It was extremely hard to flip the burgers because it was really hard to get close to the grill, so for a while, I just jousted with the burgers...running in quickly with the spatula extended as far as I could, flip the burger, then run away again. |
This picture was taken at Lisa's surprise birthday party. She was so surprised when she walked into my apartment that she hyperventilated. This is her husband Steve and I giving her some love =) |
I LOVE this picture of Tiffany and I. This was taken at Halo, Tiffany's first time to a DC Gay Bar. I took Tiffany, Jeanni, and Stella that night and the best quote of the night was from Jeanni upon walking into Halo: "It's like being a diabetic in a candy store!" |
This is what has been deemed "The Sleepy Chair". This chair resides in Auntie Mame's house in Rehoboth, Delaware, a rental house my friend's and I go to once or twice a year. Everybody who lays in this chair succumbs to it's power and doses off shortly thereafter. |
When walking through Elkton Hall one evening, Lisa, Steve, and I happened upon the lounge full of pillows covered in plastic. And what does one do with a giant mountain of pillows? One leaps into it of course! |
I really don't remember the specific reason for this gathering. Probably something special, like, it was a Friday. But I do remember that someone said, "Get together for a picture!" and this was what immediately happened. It makes me very happy. |
This is me doing a back handspring in my grandfather's front yard. The only photographic proof that I can actually (or used to be able to) do them. Pretty sure I would die if I tried it today. |
This picture was taken during my first year as an RD at Appalachian State. I went to visit each of my RAs and took at least one item of clothing or an accessory from each of them. This was only about half way through. I think I ended up with a kimono on by the end of it. |
This is one of my all-time favorites, which is why it's the second time it's showing up in the blog. This is Cassie, myself, and Emilie at a wedding in 2007. We made engagement rings out of an empty chip bag because...why not? |
I know this is at Brandy's Piano Bar in NYC...but I have no idea what's going on in this picture. It's pretty typical of Lio and I back in the day and still makes me laugh. |
This was a behind the scenes shot from the actual photoshoot and I don't know what's going on, but we are very concerned with what's going on under my shirt at the moment. |
This is a very new photo, but has quickly become one of my favorites. A candid of Ashlee and I doing what we love the most. |
So my parting words of advice are to remember to take a few moments and go back and look at the pictures you have. Print some of them out and frame them...that is what pictures are for. Going through your facebook pictures is always a good idea...but be prepared to see a lot of things you either don't remember, never wanted tagged in the first place, or no longer want tagged. It's a fun trip down memory lane (mostly).
That's all for now!
As soon as I saw the newest pic of you and Ash singing last week it became my new work screensaver. Love it!