OK. So those of you who have following the blog since day one may remember how I said I was crazy for trying to do this around my birthday because the week before my birthday (this week) is one of my busiest of my year. So for tonight's (late) post, I am going to talk about my coming out story....via animated GIFs (You can read the more serious version in a previous post). It's my blog and I'll do what I want to.
I was a very happy baby:
I had very supportive parents:
Around fifth grade...I started to feel different than my peers:
I dealt with that by becoming a highly introverted homebody who didn't want to interact with others:
I made it through high school ok...only the occasional gay slur:
And I always reacted like:
But then I'd go home by myself and I'd be all like:
Then I went to college and I started getting all confident in being myself and stuff:
And then I met a boy that I liked:
And decided to come out:
And some people were like:
But most people were like:
But regardless of any reaction, I felt like:
So all in all...it all worked out and now I'm like:
Even though most people are like:
And now that I'm almost thirty...my whole world is like:
The End (and now you're all like:)
I'm glad I could help you on your journey to one day telling of your gayness in gif form (though it lacked a certain Harry-Potter quality, but whatevs).