Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sixteen days 'til Thirty...Introversion, a new thing

Since my last two posts were so mopy, I thought I'd keep the trend going...ha.

I have probably taken the Myers-Briggs Personality Inventory at least 10 times in the past 15 years through various classes, workshops, and staff trainings.  I have always been an ENFP (Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving).  An ENFP is described as being "The Inspirer" and the short description is:

"Enthusiastic, idealistic, and creative. Able to do almost anything that interests them. Great people skills. Need to live life in accordance with their inner values. Excited by new ideas, but bored with details. Open-minded and flexible, with a broad range of interests and abilities."

 For the most part, that's pretty accurate.  For those of you whom have never taken the inventory, it scores you on each area.  The higher the score the "more confident" the inventory is that you fall into that area.  Every inventory I took in the past was extremely confident that I was an extrovert...to which I always agreed.

However, in the past couple of years, I've noticed that I've started to waver back and forth.  I've gotten much more in touch with my introverted side, being much more comfortable staying at home by myself than going out with friends.  Some may say it just comes with age...some may say I cultivated it from the six months I didn't want to leave my apartment due to a pretty bad bout of depression.  Either way...it's happening.  It's been pretty interesting, observing this change in myself.  It's almost reminiscent of my middle / high school days. 

Don't get me wrong,  I still don't have any trouble talking to strangers or being around crowds and what not...that's really a function of my job, but I've started to notice recently that there are sometimes that I almost get anxiety in certain social situations.  

It's almost a pendulum,  I'll be super extroverted, going out and being all social...then cutting myself and staying in for several days and not being very communicative.  It's not the best way to keep your friends happy, but I'm pretty new at this whole introverted side, so cut me some slack.  But the more time passes by, the more I cherish not being around anybody or even near my cell phone.  It's a great time for self-reflection ;-)

Short post tonight, but enjoy this little ditty I discovered on the YouTubes:



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