Friday, May 3, 2013

Nineteen days 'til Thirty...More Questions...

OK, so a lot of people asked my to do more question / answer / survey type entries.  While I feel like these are kind of cop-out posts because it's not original readers are so demanding and I only aim to please ;-)

Here is an oldie but a goodie, questions via the alphabet:

A - Age you got your first kiss: So I used to chase my now best friend Cassie around the playground in kindergarten and try to kiss her.  I'm pretty sure I landed a few of them as well.  My first KISS KISS was when I was fourteen to my then girlfriend.  She pretty much forced me to.  My first kiss with a boy was with my first boyfriend in November of 2002.

B - Band listening to right now: Like I stated before, my iPod is a crazy eclectic mix of music.  I go through phases of listen to certain songs or artists a lot more than others.  The flavor of the month is a tie between P!nk and Macklemore.

C - Crush: Nice try internets.  I don't think so.  BUT, my current celebrity crush is Justin Bartha.  Mainly because he is Jewish and because of his character on The New Normal.

D - Dad's name: Charles Marvin Hibbetts, jr.

E - Easiest person[s] to talk to: I can talk to my mother and sister about anything.  Also, Cassie, Keturi, Emilie, Ashlee, and Akshay.  There are absolutely no topics that are taboo with this group of people and ALL of them have helped me through the lowest of the low and heard me whine, sob, yell, or any of the other unpleasant emotions that one goes through.  Thanks Friends!

F - Favorite music at the moment: I've told you...everything.  But my favorite band is Nickel Creek.  I own everything they have ever produced, including live concerts where they were just playing with other people. 

G - Gummy bears or gummy worms: Ummm...Probably worms, but the multicolored sour kind.  One time in college (when we were of-age of course) we soaked regular gummy worms in vodka.  It was both the best and worst idea ever.

H - Hometown: Frisco Village, Cape Hatteras Island, North Carolina

I - Instruments: Piano, Vocals, Trumpet, Baritone, Organ, Guitar, order of proficiency.  I have a tendency to pick up instruments pretty quickly.  I just don't practice them all enough.

K - Kids: Absolutely.  I want two.  One boy, one girl, 2 - 3 years apart.

L - Longest car ride ever: Hatteras to Canadia in a minivan.

M - Mom's name: Rose Helene Hibbetts

N - Name: Cory Neil Hibbetts

O - One wish: Believe it or not, I think often what my "three wishes" would be and I have them down pretty good.  But as this question asks for one wish, I will say the one where I take 25 people's talents (all musicians) and mix them with my own.  I'm not kidding, I have a list of 25 people that would make the perfect mix of musical talent that I would want.  You don't know who most of them are, so I'm not going to list them.

P - Phobia[s]: Claustrophobia.  It's pretty severe and it's getting much worse as I get older.  I can't even put the blanket over my head.  On a bad day, if I have a ring on my finger that won't come off, that even insights an anxiety attack based on my claustrophobia.  Weeeirdo.

Q - Quote: "Memories now, sleep later!"  That one's from my group of friends in college.  We made very healthy choices.

R - Reason to smile: No matter what, there are people who love you and want to be around you as much as they can.  I can't think of a better reason to smile than that.

S - Song you sang last: "Say Goodbye" by Katie Thompson

T - Time you woke up [today]: 7:45 AM

U - Unknown fact[s] about me: I'm pretty much an open book.  I don't think that a lot of people knew that for at least a year in my undergraduate career, I was studying to be a meteorologist.  I really wanted to be a hurricane expert and work for the Weather Channel.  I still have a fascination with weather and the only reason that I decided on changing paths was because I would have had to transfer and I really didn't want to leave Appalachian State.

V - Vegetable you dislike: I really don't have one in particular that I don't like.  I guess if I had to pick one, I would pick green peppers, but only when they're cooked.  I like them raw and in a salad.

W - Worst habit(s):  Homicide.  Just kidding.  Smoking on and off the past decade has always been my worst habit.  However, there is an end-date to that coming up soon =)

X - X-rays you've had: Teeth, Knees, Hand, and Chest

Y - Yummy food: All of the food.  A medium-rare burger with bleu cheese and bacon is always a great choice.  Or Eggs Benedict.  With Bacon.  Bacon.

Z- Zodiac sign: I am directly on the Gemini-Taurus cusp on the Gemini side.  I relate mostly with Gemini, but I have an awful lot of Tauran qualities as well.

Well...hopefully this gave you a little bit of insight into the conundrum that is Cory Neil Hibbetts.  This really will be the last question / answer post...maybe.  But for now, I will leave you with one of my favorite covers.  Do yourself a favor and at least wait until the female starts singing:



  1. Heck yeah! Memories now! Sleep later!

  2. I tell that story about the gummy worms all the time - I agree. Best/Worst idea ever... the aftermath was just. I can't.

  3. Umm, I love you. And I have goosies.
