Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Eight days 'til Thirty...Liar Liar

If there is anything Jim Carrey's character in the movie Liar Liar taught us, it's that it's not always a good thing to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth 100% of the time:

Now disregarding any commentary on insensitivity from the clip towards our domestic homelessness issues, I chose it because it is a simple example of a very real way that many of us alter the truth when interacting with other people.  We don't want to always tell people the truth all of the time.  What benefit is there telling someone you don't like what they're wearing or you don't like the way they cut their hair?  Just because you wouldn't have made the same choice for yourself doesn't mean it benefits them in anyway to tell them that YOU don't like it (unless of course the person is asking for your full, unaltered opinion).

This post really isn't about lying.  Last night, I got into a conversation with a friend about this blog and the therapeutic and cathartic purpose to my starting it.  As we started talking about it, I admitted to him that I, of course, have been filtering and / or omitting certain details in my posts.  Don't get me wrong, I've been completely honest, but still tailoring the posts for a public audience.  Then I got to thinking, what if I was afflicted with the same compulsion of our friend in the video above and had to write exactly, verbatim, the unfiltered and unadulterated truth with no omissions at all.  It would probably be endlessly more entertaining.  And probably also more hurtful at times and sometimes way more sad. 

Societal norms, decorum, office politics, and just plain politeness...these things all dictate how much or in what manner we decide to open ourselves up and be completely honest with others.  And this is absolutely necessary for us to function as a civil society.  I'm not suggesting we go around the office tomorrow and tell people every open and honest errant thought that runs across our minds.  Simply pondering =)

Sometimes we even filter our own feelings from ourselves ergo we're not really honest with ourselves about how we're feeling about a particular issue as a defense mechanism to keep from drowning in the flood of feels.

I think that in the past year I have not been completely honest with myself about how I feel about my life right now and, truth be told, writing in this everyday has helped me come to terms with some of those self-inflicted fibs.  The process of trying to figure out what to write each day has actually been more reflective and introspective as I try digging through my brain to come up with topics.  This whole blogging adventure could have taken an even more negative and mopey turn.  Because honestly, I am not the happiest I have ever been in my near thirty years.  There you go internets...I put that out there for all to see.  The thing about it is...that's OK.  You take the good.  You take the bad. You take them both.  andthereyouhavethefactsoflife. (We all agree that that had to be done...for you younger folks, just watch the video at the end of the post)

I am fully aware that there are so many ups and downs throughout our lifetime and we have to plunge through all the mess to get to the creamy center.  That's my second hostess cake reference in 20 days:

I seem to have gotten away from myself here.  Although it may not seem it from some of these posts...I put a lot of positivity out there to the universe...but I'm kinda ready to cash some of that in in some areas of life.

The whole point of all of this was just that I find it really interesting that we filter or omit so much in lives.  Not only to others, but ourselves as well.  There really is nobody in existence, sometimes not even you yourself, that knows you completely.  Sure, there are people that get really close, but not all the way there.  Things that make you go hmmmm.



1 comment:

  1. now i have that effing song stuck in my head... thanks.
